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Paul Swift Precision Team Stunt Rides - 3 x Venues

Darlington Arena, Silverstone, Croft Circuit

What's Included

  • Welcome, introduction and safety briefing
  • Watch a live stunt show by the pros
  • Thrilling passenger experiences driven by a member of the Paul Swift Precision Driving Team
  • Hold on tight for a series of stunning stunt driving moves such as handbrake turns, J-turns and donuts
  • Experience stunts in front and rear wheel drive cars
  • Enjoy a spin on the Gymkhana Course in a new Ford Mustang
  • All drivers are qualified members of the Paul Swift Precision Driving Team
  • Please allow up to one hour on site for this experience

What Can I Expect

Brace yourself for your Paul Swift stunt ride! These nail-bitingly fast stunt rides are available in Darlington Arena, Silverstone and Croft circuits to find out what it's like to be a co-pilot in a stunt car with wheels screechin' and a smokin'.

It all starts with a demo from the Paul Swift Precision Driving team pros to showcase what they (and the cars) can do. After the display, it's time for you to hop in the passenger seat ready for your stunt ride…

As you feel your body being pushed back into the low-slung sports seat, we'd bet our last dollar that at this point, your hands will be instinctively looking for the grab handle above the passenger door. 

No doubt you’ve seen these moves in films and TV shows, but actually being inside the car whilst these precision stunts are being performed is utterly mind-blowing. These pro drivers are certainly quick with the steering. They're super nifty on the pedals. And they are masters of the handbrake too.

As for you, dear passenger, you may well be feeling a little disoriented after a heady display of spins, turns and fancy high-speed parallel parking moves. You might even have trouble knowing which way is left or right, or if the car is going forwards or backwards!

And as if that wasn't enough excitement for one day, you will be driven around the gymkhana course in a big, roaring beast of a Ford Mustang.

We reckon our Paul Swift stunt rides will have you grinning from ear to ear. Book now to experience all those tricks from inside the car!

When Is It Available

  • Selected dates throughout the year


  • County Durham   Darlington Arena
  • Northamptonshire   Silverstone Circuit
  • North Yorkshire   Croft Circuit

Suitable For

  • Minimum age 11 (no upper limit)
  • Under 18s must be accompanied on site by an adult


  • Spectators are welcome to come along and watch the action from the viewing areas
Paul Swift Stunt Rides Darlington, Silverstone & Croft Circuits
Paul Swift Precision Team Stunt Rides - 3 x Venues Get this Experience