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Atom Race Ride for Two

York, Elvington

1 Review

What's Included

• A simulated racing passenger experience for two people
• Welcome and introduction
• You will be driven by a qualified instructor
• Experience the thrill of Head to Head with two Ariel Atom 300 supercharged, 0-60 in just over 2 seconds for two laps of a race circuit
• You will each be in the passenger seat of a supercharged Atom and witness the professional racing drivers at work
• Please allow around 1 hour on site for this experience

What Can I Expect

Seeing an Atom racing on the track is quite a thrill. Seeing two of them racing is pretty exciting. Being actually sitting in one whilst a pro-driver is racing head to head with another Atom is just beyond exhilarating. And that's exactly what you'll be experiencing on this Ariel Atom race ride.

As you might suspect, this is not going to be a gentle Sunday drive, where you can pick out the sights as you cruise along. This is all about raw race power and pushing the supercharged Ariel to its limits, as the Atom you're in goes head to head in a race with another supercharged example of this crazy car. All passengers will need to be fully protected, so it's pre-ride safety briefing and on with the full face helmet.

Mind you, no matter how much we tell what it's going to be like, nothing can possibly prepare you for the reality. It is truly eye-poppingly rapid. And it's speedsville from the off, as these Atoms accelerate ridiculously fast. From the word go, you'll be literally hanging on to your seat, just centimetres from the floor as you head off on your race ride.

It even takes a few moments for your eyes to adjust and for you brain to compute what is going on. Don't be surprised if you can't even spot your friends and family cheering you on from the sidelines, let alone having the wherewithal to actually wave to them!

As we said, this experience is so much more than just a pleasure ride in an Atom and that's because you will not be alone on the track - you will be going head to head against each other out there! With a duo of crazy Atoms hurtling around the track at once, this is going to be one seriously fun ride.

With the cars both equally matched, it'll be a question of how confident you are as a co-pilot in the passenger seat, because the drivers will continue to pump up the pace if you seem to be handling it all. It's time to leap into the passenger seat, lay down the gauntlet and get that Atom racing around a circuit in hot pursuit of your rival. Enjoy the ride.

When Is It Available

  • Choose a weekday only voucher or to include weekend availability (where available) opt for the anytime voucher
  • Experiences operate throughout the year (unless stated)
  • Dates and session times are subject to availability at your chosen location


  • Current available locations, subject to change
  • York Elvington Airfield Circuit

Suitable For

• Minimum age 10
• Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult on site
• Maximum height 6ft 6"
• Maximum weight 19 stone


• Spectators are welcome to come and watch from the trackside

Anything Else

  • Optional extras are offered at the point of booking your date including collision damage waivers and flexible cancellation policies. They are not mandatory, but the waiver is advised due to the high £5000 excess on the vehicles
ariel atom driving experience
Atom Race Ride for Two Get this Experience


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Total Reviews: 1

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  based on 1 review

Rating: 4 stars
Everything I wanted in a day driving fast cars. Was bought as a fathers day present but now got the...