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Zorbing Manchester

Heaton near Manchester

2 Reviews

What's Included

  • Welcome and pre-ride briefing explaining how to ride the sphere
  • Rides take place on a specially tracked out course
  • Your choice of harness or aqua sphereing

Harness Sphereing

  • Ride head over heels , strapped opposite each other
  • Reach speeds of up to 30mph

Aqua Sphereing

  • Roll down a hill in the aqua sphere together along with 30-50 litres of water
  • You will get very wet!

What Can I Expect

Zorbing near Manchester - hill rolling where the countryside meets the city. Well placed for enthusiastic zorbers from Cheshire, Macclesfield and beyond, you will be revelling in your revolutions on a run that's right next to fields of sheep!

Expect some funny looks from the animals grazing in the neighbouring field then, as you get ready to play at being a hamster in a ball at this proper working farm just south of Manchester near Macclesfield. Zorbing here comes in two forms - harness or hydro - and all rolls are for two people together.

If you pick the hardcore harness version, you'll both be given a body harness to wear that attaches you firmly in one spot opposite each other in the ball.  

If you fancy being in your inflatable globe with a load of water, it's just a case of wearing gear you don't mind getting wet, as hydro zorbing is more of a freestyle affair. There are no harnesses, you just slosh around as you roll!

The tricky bit is getting into the sphere in the first place. The best method is a sort of swan dive to try and throw yourself through the tunnel opening to the inner sanctum. This task alone is enough to make you giggle and you've not even started the run yet. 

With a push and shove of the ball to get you off the starting platform, you will suddenly find yourselves tumbling and turning on your own axis. You can't see much through the plastic and you won't be able to tell which way up you are, but you will be going downhill, that's for sure.  The aerial netting at the bottom slows you down and hey presto you've survived your first zorbing experience.

As you squeeze yourself out and get your bearings, the sphere is put on the trailer and pulled back up to the top of the slope, ready for the next pair waiting excitedly to go zorbing. Manchester may only be a few miles away, but this venue is a fabulous setting for it in the countryside around Macclesfield and Cheshire - grass, mud, animals and all!

When Is It Available

  • Weekends and selected weekdays between April and October
  • Dates and session times are subject to availability


  • Rushton Spencer, Heaton

Suitable For

  • Not suitable for those that are pregnant, suffer with high blood pressure, heart condition, epilepsy, back or neck problems
  • Participants must not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs

Harness Sphere

  • Minimum height 4.5ft
  • Under 16s require parental consent
  • Riders must not exceed 100kgs per person

Aqua Ride

  • Minimum age 7, under 16s require parental consent
  • Maximum combined weight 200kgs


  • Spectators are welcome
Sphere experience
Zorbing Manchester Get this Experience


4 out of 5 stars

Average Rating: 4
Total Reviews: 2

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  based on 2 reviews

Rating: 4 stars
Great fun. Over quickly so don't travel too far for this experience but if you're reasonably near t...
Rating: 4 stars
June Hynes
Very good experience. Staff friendly and approachable.