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Exchange Your Voucher


Start by entering your Voucher Number and Pin Code (you can find these on your printed or emailed IntotheBlue voucher).

Once recognised by our system, the value of your voucher will be shown.

Click continue and you’ll be automatically re-directed to the homepage to browse for an experience to exchange your voucher or token for. Look top right of the page next to the shopping trolley symbol and you’ll see the monetary value of your voucher.

Once you’ve found your perfect experience, click to add it to your basket. The checkout page (which has been pre-loaded with the value of your voucher) will automatically calculate and update. You then simply follow the purchase process as usual.

If the experience chosen costs more, you will be able to pay the difference and you’ll receive the voucher for your experience. If the experience is less than the value of your voucher/token, you will have nothing to pay and you will receive a new voucher for the remaining balance amount and one for your experience.

Once you’ve received your voucher for your chosen experience, simply register it online to then book yourself in with your activity supplier and enjoy your experience day!

Enter your voucher details